By Anonymous - 30/10/2013 22:27 - United Kingdom - Romford

Today, I found out that, although I have the same job title and complete the same work as my male colleagues, I get paid 15% less, purely because I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 706
You deserved it 8 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should do 15 percent less work from now on

And you've talked to your boss about this?


There's a lot of misinformation about this. Firstly the statistics don't account for career choice. Men often choose higher paying careers than women, while women are more likely to take jobs in social work. Men work more hours than women do on average, and work more overtime. Also, in young childless women working in business, they make $1.08 for every dollar a man makes.

thejimler 9

If you are doing the exact same work and your employer has explicitly stated that you get paid less because of your gender, then FYL. But the phrase "women make XX cents for every $1 a man makes" is deliberately misleading, because it doesn't factor in that women usually work less hours, or that they usually take less demanding (thus lower paying) positions.

You should find a new job, the one you have now needs to learn some equality

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Change jobs and upgrade yourself financially.

#49 Actually they pay others ~17.6% more..

babyshaft408 8

The thing is, they don't have to pay you the same. They can't pay you less because of your gender, but there are other factors. Maybe your male colleagues have been there longer and gotten raises. Maybe they have been more assertive (a trait related to testosterone) and asked for raises. Maybe they demanded higher pay when they were hired (again, testosterone). Maybe they do their work better than you. Maybe when you were hired there were more applicants, and the higher-ups could afford to have more of a "Take it or leave it" attitude toward your wage. Maybe they have been in the business longer an your boss cares more about keeping them than you. You can't just assume that it's because you're female. To all of the feminists, it is a fact that males have more testosterone than females. Testosterone makes males significantly more assertive on average, thus making them more likely to be aggressive in negotiations, asking for raises, and asking for promotions. This is why men tend to have more pay and higher positions. You might think that that wouldn't have such a dramatic effect, but it really does. Think about how hormones affect women during their period or teens during puberty. It's very dramatic. Also, due to the testosterone, men tend to commit more crimes and get harsher punishments for those crimes. They tend to be less willing to accept help and therefor receive less welfare. Women, because of their lack of testosterone and abundance of some other hormones, tend to be better caretakers, which is why they tend to retain custody of children in divorces. The reason men and women aren't always equal in every field is because their variations in hormones affect a lot of things, such as emotion, physical ability, intelligence, talents, social interaction, philosophy, and creativity.

i get that you are talking in generalities, but i think that I should note that those traits are not a hard fast rule. Example- Me! I am a girl and one of the most assertive people i know. I don't do well with kids but thrive in competition. Basically, i have most of the guy traits. And no, i am not lesbian (i just know some idiot will ask). You should never judge someone just based on the gender, plenty of women thrive in the workplace.

Ah, but I'm not saying that we should judge based on gender. I'm saying that each woman is judged for her own qualities (though some people are sexist) and the fact that they tend to be treated similarly is because they tend to have similar qualities. The fact that they tend to have lower pay is because they tend to be less assertive. Every generalization has outliers. For example, I am statistically more likely to commit a violent crime because I'm male, yet I am a pacifist.

Isa_fml 20

The number of people trying to rationalise blatant sexism is really depressing. It's well established that women are paid less for doing the same work, deny it all you want but you cannot change facts.

it really isn't. what is proven is that women, in general, make less than men. But that has a lot to do with career choices and less with real sexism. I am not saying sexism never happens, but those "facts" you are claiming are not true.

It's also proven that women are less likely to ask for raises and less likely to be aggressive when negotiating wages. Coincidence?