By Anonymous - 19/03/2015 15:56 - United States - West Babylon

Today, I found out my upstairs neighbors filed a noise complaint against me for banging on the ceiling every night. They conveniently left out the part where they constantly stomp, shout, and do stuff that sounds like they're dropping bricks to the floor every night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 340
You deserved it 2 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahh classic hypocrites... Maybe you should move

File a complaint yourself OP or record them making a lot of noise. If you have evidence like that theres no way you wont be taken seriously.


My neighbors do the same thing. The only reason I don't complain is that my son can sleep through it and I'm up anyways. I hope it gets better.

Make sure you record next time OP. Video evidence doesn't lie, but people do.

My only question is this; how the hell do they not realize these noises they make?

hoosiergirl94 31

Then file a complaint right back

Why didn't you just file a noise complaint?

saffy66 34

Should have filed a complaint first - or just gone up to talk to them. Maybe they don't realise how noisy they are. It could be an issue with the flooring or just bad acoustics.

For some reason I'm getting the visual of an old woman hitting the ceiling with a broom to quiet down neighbors lol

Isn't it sad that people have no respect anymore. It's the age of me me me and screw the world.


You should've called the office because banging on ceilings or walls makes the problem personal. Perhaps they are not stomping but the construction of the building makes it seem like it so you banging doesn't mean anything to them. Now they think you're annoying and don't have any idea why you are being a douche when others are trying to sleep. So, always call for a 3rd party that way you have no revenge stomping or whatever and you can still be friendly in the halls. or if you don't care about that then walk upstairs and ask them nicely to keep it down.