By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham

Today, I found out my boyfriend regularly has his ex stay over. They even share a bed. He doesn't see a problem with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 698
You deserved it 5 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax. They just talk about cute boys and gossip about girls they don't like.

Then there shouldn't be a problem dumping him. You deserve better OP.


To be fair OP, maybe she needs a place to stay for a while and no-one else offered, so sharing a bed is the only option. There's nothing wrong with just sharing a bed (I personally don't like it because I like all the covers to myself) as long as it is agreed that it doesn't mean anything other than simply sleeping. Having said that, if she's just there for the sake of it and they're having sex, you have every reason to dump that cheating tosser.

You say you "found out" which suggests to me that he didn't even think to tell you about it, If it was all just innocent i dont see why he didnt invite you to join them on one of their little slumber parties. Ask if you can sleepover when this next happens you'll know hes cheating if he makes an excuse for you not to sleep over

My ex did that when we went on vacation pre-breakup. He rented a beach house, but apparently, I was not allowed to sleep over in said beach house (I guess there was a "no girlfriends allowed" policy). Too bad everyone else was able to stay there. I ended up staying at a friend's beach house the whole week.

blargblah 12

I hope at this point he's your ex boyfriend

I'm sorry to hear about that, but you should definitely dump his dumb ass! Boyfriends should not do that! Good luck.

He doesn't see a problem with that? Well that just says it all, he's an idiot.

I know the awkward feeling! My boyfriend and his ex are trying to stay friends but i don't think i can trust her! She lives right next door and she talks about their past sex life in front of her new boyfriend and me

cl0udnine 5

this happen to me too, it's bullshit

Paige, we live in Essex, are you really surprised? :')