By ikickgingers - 19/10/2011 16:49 - United States

Today, I found out my boss and some employees on my floor have bets placed on who can get the best picture of my ass. I found out when one of the pictures was accidentally sent to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 609
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take a picture of your own ass submit and win the bet

imsoboss91 5

Well atleast you probaby have a good one?


Bmck112 4

Take the low road and demand that you get a raise or you will add him to the 99% "occupy wallstreet" bullshit crowd.

perdix 29

I was the victim of a similar contest only the women were trying to get a pic of my dick. We were working in a Microscopy lab :(

small penis jokes.....always in good taste

You must have won the small penis contest, otherwise I can't see any reason to mention it much less emphasize that it was done in a place with microscopes....dang!

perdix 29

It's called self-effacing humor and some people find it very endearing. Tell a girl about your huge **** when it's merely normal and she's disappointed. Talk about your teeny peeny when it's about normal and she's pleasantly surprised. See how that works?

Why fyl. It's saying that you have a nice ass

I thumbed you up, just because of your profile picture. He is a bitch!

Ricky23J 0

lol I did the same shit for the same reason

Be proud you have a nice ass but damn, your co workers are pigs. FYL for that

jrod81 1

Really?? Oh no my life sucks because men like my ass.get over it ladies we don't like u for your brains

Lisa1993_fml 1

That is considered sexual harrassment. You should report him to his boss

Yeah that's why he is suggesting going to her boss' boss

Booooooooo Can't women just take a compliment? I don't mind when women tell me...

Because it's not a compliment. Saying to someone's face that they look nice is a compliment. Saying to someone's face that they have a great ass is virtually always NOT a compliment. Betting on who takes the best picture of someone's ass is sexual harassment.

saIty 17

Can I submit a picture of my own Ass? All he does is sleep and poop though.

ikickgingers 15