By boobear511 - 03/11/2014 00:26 - United States - Rancho Cordova

Today, while my husband and I were having sex, my cat decided to join in on our moans by crying at the door the entire time. He stopped as soon as we finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 057
You deserved it 4 734

boobear511 tells us more.

The cat was outside the door, wanting to get in.

Top comments

I guess your husband was pleasing two ******* at once! I'll show myself out.

bahahaha!! OP, my cats do something similar, all 3 at them stand at our door and fall asleep in a pile.


bahahaha!! OP, my cats do something similar, all 3 at them stand at our door and fall asleep in a pile.

Greenteamextreme 16

My pet lorikeet likes to talk with me while im on the phone... except he doesnt know enough words to keep up so its mostly gobbledygook and sounds like he's drowning. He thinks he's people.

cat probably heard you "mmeow meow meow meeeeoooow" and came to see what you needed

That's disturbing, get your cat checked. And give him 'the talk'!

Maybe he thought you were being attacked or hurt and he was trying to come in and save you! If that's the case then that's very sweet if your cat!

Absolutely! I'm sure he already knows about the birds, but don't forget to teach him about the bees too.

I guess your husband was pleasing two ******* at once! I'll show myself out.

Sounds like a catastrophe waiting to happen. I'll let myself out.

Often when I have sex with my girlfriend her cat drops by mid way just to get attention. That or lay down on the bed right beside us

My exs dog did the stuck her nose right in our faces to very annoying

I heard about a new thing for that... Actually two things: - a door - a lock And a key turned in the right direction would come in handy.

You still finished, though, despite the fact that your mating cries were irritating your cat. Oh how the tables have turned. At least your cat didn't throw a boot at you.