By Anonymous - 13/11/2012 23:17 - United States - Killington

Today, I found a wounded turkey in our backyard. I brought it inside, put it in a cage, and tended to its wounds. I then left. When I got back home, I smelled the wonderful aroma of my mother's cooking. She had prepared a turkey, the one I'd rescued. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 891
You deserved it 5 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of mom would just discover a turkey in a cage in her home and not think to ask anyone about it before slaughtering it for dinner? I don't understand


ViviMage 38

I truly hope the turkey died of its wounds while you were gone and your mother decided might as well cook it. NOT your mother actively killing it just to eat it.

woodrow68oo 2

I like the show "Raising Hope," too.

so in the time you were gone your mother took it out of a cage, somehow killed it, and then plucked all the feathers off. and still had time to have it roasting in the oven when you got home? wow