By Twomanybananas - 23/01/2017 16:00

Today, I found a banana on my bed. It was black and shriveled because I accidentally left it there after I thought I finished the whole bushel I bought last week. I've been sleeping in my bed all week and didn't notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 614
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you implying you just sat on your bed and proceeded to eat the majority of a whole bushel of bananas?

How does one not notice an entire shrivelled banana lurking between their sheets? Do you curl up in fetal position in one place for the entire night?? I'm genuinely curious yet slightly impressed.


Maybe you should make your bed once in a while. And wash your sheets.

Are you implying you just sat on your bed and proceeded to eat the majority of a whole bushel of bananas?

You keep bananas in your bed? Are they used for something other than eating...?

OP's usage of "finished" does sort of leave that open for interpretation. Not sure if I really want to know though, lol.

How does one not notice an entire shrivelled banana lurking between their sheets? Do you curl up in fetal position in one place for the entire night?? I'm genuinely curious yet slightly impressed.

I'd like to know how you didn't smell that. Overripe bananas have a pretty strong banana smell.

Is that a black and shriveled banana under the blanket? Or are you just not excited to see me?

Fireant_man 6

More like you been ******* your self up the ass with them

Who the hell buys things by the bushel anymore?