Locked up

By Anonymous - 26/01/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, it’s been a couple of days since I hurt my knee. What did I do? Fall asleep sitting up, and somehow locking my knees. It’s been at least a week already. I’m only 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 435
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, bad news: You may actually have dislocated your knee. Go limp to the ER, NOW, and get an X-Ray. If you don't have this happen normally, you'll need actual help to pop it back into place. If you're only 26, once it's put back together you should heal up pretty quickly, though. Seriously, if you fall asleep in a funny position and can't move a limb normally with a lot of pain around the joint, it's ER time. Dislocations are not your friend.

Wait till you hit 40... But still probably best to get that checked by a Dr.


Okay, bad news: You may actually have dislocated your knee. Go limp to the ER, NOW, and get an X-Ray. If you don't have this happen normally, you'll need actual help to pop it back into place. If you're only 26, once it's put back together you should heal up pretty quickly, though. Seriously, if you fall asleep in a funny position and can't move a limb normally with a lot of pain around the joint, it's ER time. Dislocations are not your friend.

Wait till you hit 40... But still probably best to get that checked by a Dr.