By RabbitOfAurora - 12/12/2012 15:56 - United Kingdom - Feltham

Today, I flew from Australia to the UK to meet the woman I love. After two years of talking, and having gotten a love letter for my birthday a few months prior, I was convinced we'd have a great time. Turns out she doesn't know what she feels for me. I'm staying with her for the next 35 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 748
You deserved it 8 604

RabbitOfAurora tells us more.

Okay, for all of you who were wondering how this thing ended? With her mother screaming at me to "Get out right now or I'll call the police" Apparently the whole time I was there I "offended everyone" and made "the atmosphere absolutely unbearable" I was also "Vile" an "ungrateful" She knows this FML is here, and so I won't even try defending myself because I don't want an argument or something to break out over it. The last straw pretty much came when I posted a status on facebook about a conversation her mother and I had. I didn't name names, and only stated that I didn't care how overly cautious I looked for not doing X because I could hurt myself pretty badly doing it (because I am overweight and so risk of injury increases). she took this as me having a "Dig" at her. As her opinion was pretty much I should do it anyway, or that I should loose weight with diet and exercise and then do it. I found this so offensive because over the last 15 weeks or so I've lost 12 kilos, I'm also recovering from a bulging disk pressing against my sciatic nerve. I don't know if you all know how much that hurts, but at the worst I was almost passing out, vomiting, and loosing control of both my bladder and bowels, all at once, just standing up. The only reason I was okay is because I used some serious will power. That was 9 months ago. Three months ago, I couldn't even stand long enough to heat up soup because the pain was so bad. I'm actually surprised I was okay enough to do this trip anyway. I had some decent pain killers that really helped. I'm getting there in my own time. I honestly think that by this point they were looking for reasons to kick me to the curb. This girl is very, VERY different in person. Still not a bad person by any definition of the word, but so different to how I ever expected.. I'm actually still rather shocked. Guess she felt the same about me too. Pretty much the whole time, we were all pretty miserable so I came home a week early. I've been home for almost 8 hours and will be celebrating the new year with my mum. I have chosen to no longer have contact with her or her family. I'm ready to put this all behind me and start next year all new and fresh. All this was just a play by play of the last day or so, obviously things go way deeper, but this is not the place for that. If I could go back in time, I probably would cancel the trip and save all the money I spent.. Possibly salvage the friendship too. But at least on the up side, I learned a lot about who I am through this. It could have been an amazing love story, now it's a tragic romance that pretty much equates to "At least I did something with my life at one point, even if it didn't work" My fellow FMLers, I think it's important to go after what you want, even if you don't want the same thing by the end. you need to take risks and put them behind you if they don't pay off. Forward is the best way to go. I wish you all a happy new year full of wonderful stories too good to submit on this site. XOXO - Rabbit Of Aurora <3

Top comments

There is a huge difference between online & being right there with a person. 35 days was probably a bit optimistic for a first date... Hope it goes well, OP

onorexveritas 23

well it seems she's got plenty of time to figure it out


If I text "I love you" but yet I've never loved you. If I say, on the phone, "I love you" but yet I dont love you absolutely. If I meet and say "I love you" but yet I dont love you. If I become to be hardly to say "I love you" but yet I start to love you.

KiddNYC1O 20
BrookeSnooks15 2

Been there done that, is her name Anna

iiPluuu 7

Now you have 35 days to get her to fall in love with you.

That sounds like the plot of a chick-flick movie on Lifetime.

I'm in this sort of position, except we've been talking for 5 years, and I'll be staying with her for 4 1/2 days. We'll see what happens!

Pensu 12

I'm kind of failing to see the FML here. You get to spend a month with the woman you love. She has not turned you down. If you actually love her then I assume you are friends and should have a lot of fun together regardless of the fact that she isn't sure how she feels yet. Maybe give her a little time to actually interact with you and figure things out before whining about what seems like a pretty good situation?

this probably means that youre not everything she expected. it happens. try to be cordial and make the best of it. do things as friends... or go home.

When I met my online gf for the first time it was just as we were over the phone and now shes mt fiancee