By Scarlett - 12/05/2017 21:00 - Brazil

Today, I was getting a visit from a co-worker when my 6-year-old son came in to ask me where the ointment was. I said that it was in my room, so he went there and soon came back with a tube of KY jelly asking "is this it, mom?" I died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 148
You deserved it 1 052

Top comments

It is an ointment, isn't it? We may debate the precise definition, but for a six-year-old, it's close enough. Was your cause of death vaginal dryness or rough anal?

species4872 19

Why? your co-worker probably has it as well. It's very I'm told.


species4872 19

Why? your co-worker probably has it as well. It's very I'm told.

It is an ointment, isn't it? We may debate the precise definition, but for a six-year-old, it's close enough. Was your cause of death vaginal dryness or rough anal?

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Oh shut up. The OP didn't even use the word literally.

I agree. Check out my comment about OP's mistakes.

I can tell already people don't invite you to parties

Nah, OP did die. Clearly they posted this from the afterlife. Or am I the only one who sees OP's location as "The Aether"?

RpiesSPIES 27

Who stores jelly in their bedroom? Silly OP. I wouldn't be surprised if your coworker gave you strange looks. Please don't think I'm serious.

Lobby_Bee 17

There are other uses for KY Jelly, it's not JUST for personal lubrication. It works wonders on door hinges, ball bearings, and general metal to metal contact surfaces.

You have so many errors. It's CAME, not cam. IT, not I. And you're completely missing the word WITH.

And missing closing quotation marks after the question mark.

You started a sentence with the word "and". Pot, meet kettle.

I guess you've never read a real book. Authors ALWAYS have at least one sentence starting with "And." So suck on that.

species4872 19

You people are certainly on a roll.

Punctuation, such as a period, goes inside the quotation marks.

Look at the grammatical errors in this one. While I agree that this is a good FML, is seriously NOBODY moderating these things anymore?

The general rule is - if you're mortified about other people finding out what you're doing, perhaps you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Kids are signs the parents have sex. KY shouldn't ensue embarrassment. A giant novelty imitation silicone horse **** dripping with AstroGlide might do the trick thou.