By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to tell my parents that I'm gay. My mom said "Yeah, we know." When I asked how they knew, my dad, without looking up from the tv, said, "We've been monitoring your Internet history." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 651
You deserved it 17 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Major invasion of your privacy, sure. But at least they didn't freak out and were totally fine about it. Plus, they waited until you were ready to tell them rather than confront you when they figured it out through snooping...gotta give them credit for that!


Ouch, well at least the cat's out of the closet. They had no right to violate your privacy though. Sorry.

wow..they do respect your privacy I see..

Honestly, YDI for not deleting your history if you didn't want them to find out. Congrats on coming out, though, and for having understanding parents. #113: Yes, let's do. I'm sure it'll be great fun, and mighty pleasurable.

Atleast it doesn't seem to bother them :) Still FYL becuse they went through your internet history. I havn't had the courage to come out yet :s So good job with that, i can't imagine its easy

primogen18 0

internet options, clear history, etc, theres ways to delete it, but oh well, they know anyway so its not a big secret and never was lol. you're human, im sure they understand. Still sucks, but hey you should feel a bit better being completely open. It may be a bit embarrassing but if they don't act weird then thats a good sign, you can be open to them.

girls4girls 0

good job, at least you made up your mind to tell them. i hate it how my parents dont know

It's almost unbelievable to me how many people think this FML has something to do with his sexual orientation. All relationships are built on trust. Your relationship with your parents, partners, grocer or other. And they violated that trust by spying on you. Damn, I would get so angry. One of the things that I hold most dearly is my right to privacy. FYL indeed! But, at least they came clean about it and you can take countermeasures.

kaleb0121 0

don't u no how to clear internet history? it's not that hard.

it's good u came out. ur parents shud love u no mattr wat and im sure they do. the people who left mean comments are incredibly rude. i am not gay but i know that it is totaly ok to be gay! i completely agree with #50 too. despite wat #47 thinks im sure u r a good person and u will NOT go to hell just for being gay!