By ClearOne - 12/05/2011 19:25 - United States

Today, I finally came to terms with the fact that my girlfriend considers me a glorified ATM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 657
You deserved it 31 983

Same thing different taste

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well i aint sayin shes a gold digga.. but she aint messin with no broke. haha great song

she's a gooold diggerrr, she will break your heart.... quick OP break hers before she can break yours!

jvillan87 5

Play her "get a job" by the offspring and see if she'll take a hint.

make her "pay u back" like in this movie I once saw where a pizza guy comes in and the girl has no money.. or was that several movies?


Humans are by far the producers of the strangest movies of all primates.

hahayousucks 3

since when does she have an ATM in the kitchen... must be a rich neighborhood

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xTrue25 0

115, I effing love you, I haven't laughed that hard on FML in awhile.

fat_snooki_lol 6

Good to see that Hugh Hefner uses FML, just like us regular people.

zendaddy0 0

lol 92 just finished watching south parks version god next time I see a contract I'm gonna read it three times

My friend's got a girlfriend Man he hates that bitch He tells me every day He says "man I really gotta lose my chick In the worst kind of way" She sits on her ass He works his hands to the bone To give her money every payday But she wants more dinero just to stay at home Well my friend You gotta say: "I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way Na-na Why don't you get a job" Say "no way", say "no way ya, no way Na-na Why don't you get a job"

Hey no way Hey no way I won't pa-ay-ay-ay Now, now why don't you get a job

115- that's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Why would you get her pregnant then dump her...? She is still gunna be goin to the glorified ATM for child support dumbass. Some people's children....

Only read it once 157. Otherwise u will have out done santa claus. Then he will kick u in the throat pistol whip you and shoot you in the head. Oh, and you wont get anything for christmas.

BigBoiToys 0

Ditch the bitch. That simple

tell her this ATM is out of money to give out to freeloaders

Beebow_fml 5

Or use her as a glorified Fleshlight.

I know the sex makes it seem it's worth it, but when the relationship ends and you look back you'll feel like it wasn't.

kofinater 3

come to terms? sounds like you need to breakup with her and not be so passive with money.

Agreed. This is pathetic, OP. And I think you're giving yourself too much credit; I doubt she thinks there's anything "glorified" about you. If you are nothing but her bankroll and know it, get out of the relationship.

pretty much this. You can't be taken advantage of to this extent without letting it happen; if you don't like it OP then stop giving money out.

CaptainPickles72 18

If that makes you mad then tell her she is pretty much a glorified sex doll! She doesn't deserve ya buddy, I suggest you dump her.

rudikk99 2

sounds like prostitution....

CaptainPickles72 18

To be honest in the dating process is pretty much prostitution. Most guys will wine and dine the girls mainly to get into their pants, so money, fake respect (if the guy is an asshole) and gifts will loosen the girls pants little by little till the guy gets what he wants then gets rid of her. Sadly a lot of men do this and give us other guys a bad name. Fun fact: Prostitution is only illegal because the government can't tax it! :D Yay government!

CaptainPickles72 18

97- Oh I know that! I can be a bit pessimistic when it comes to relationships but I do see a lot of people that do only date people for their own personal gain which is just wrong. Personal gain is the last thing I look for in a relationship (except happiness XD). For me a girl can be; ugly, obese, pretty, skinny as hell, rich, poor, a complete idiot or a genius as long as love is there none of that matters. Plus, congrats on the good relationship! :)

jisaac09 25

Fun fact: The government CAN and will tax prostitution if the laws on the subject are ever changed. It is hard to tax, as with any service, but it is possible. One of the reasons prostitution is illegal is that at one point of time most voting americans thought this as a "sin" and tried to make any sin illegal. That is why gay marriage is still illegal in most(?) states, not because it can't be controlled. Btw, I am NO fan of gay marriage. I just think it isn't the duty of the government to make laws concerning victimless crimes.

Prostition is legal and taxed in some countries. It is here.

crazedsyco 15
zacharytk72 5
LinTurk 4

as long as you can consider her a glorified prostitute, I say what the hell. If your ok with it, then why not.

exactly. everyone's using everyone for somethin in this world. only problem is if you're shellin out big bucks and maybe her looks don't match the cash she's getting. maybe it's time for you to move on upppp

So make her your EX girlfriend. Problem solved. Then go buy some balls.

you_failed 15

She a gold digger yo' B/ I hope you break up with her!

Heather_x0x0 6

what a coincidence and I swear! right as I finished reading this, gold digger came on...LMAO!!!

iReadFmlsFml 0
Heather_x0x0 6

my god #43 you're picture is awkward....

13yearoldboy 0

just stop... stop before you become the next gayboii. or are you his, well, adopted son?

4XxXo_OxXx4 0

I hate people that make us 13 year olds look immature.

13yearoldboy 0

nah 62 I'm not your adopted son.