By Ugh - 02/02/2017 16:00 - United States - Washington

Today, I locked myself out of my apartment. I've just realized that I could have spent $30 on an Uber or Lyft to my parents' place to grab the other set of keys instead of calling a locksmith and paying $280 for him to drill a hole through my doorknob, rendering all my keys useless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 195
You deserved it 4 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your locksmith ripped you off. They're trained to pick the locks. Drilling the lock is a last resort option...

You were ripped off for sure. I would call the BBB on him.


Your locksmith ripped you off. They're trained to pick the locks. Drilling the lock is a last resort option...

You were ripped off for sure. I would call the BBB on him.

BBB can't really do much beyond "Hey, this guy has a complaint, you should fix it, k?"

The BBB is a complete joke, especially since no one under 30 really even knows they exist

The B.B.B. is a useless establishment. it does nothing beside make business pay to have good reviews. if you look most major businesses are not on there.

The B.B.B. is a useless establishment. it does nothing beside make business pay to have good reviews. if you look most major businesses are not on there.

picking the lock would have been a lot cheaper... but I'm guessing the locksmith wasn't happy with the cheap alternative.

Yup, your locksmith is either lazy or dumb. Drilling is a last resort.

Sounds like he did that intentionally to take advantage of you not knowing they're supposed to pick the lock first. Unless he did try to pick the lock and either sucks, or your apartment has a deadbolt on it.

Deadbolt doesn't matter. It's the same mechanical function as a doorknob except it's key access only.

So basically the lock smith was 100% just being a dick.

To be fair to you, OP, those sorts of things are often afterthoughts. My sister did something similar once; locked herself out of her car and called me to come help her, only to remember after I showed up that she had a spare set of car keys in her office.

Get a touchscreen keypad deadbolt. No key required. I can even lock/unlock mine from my phone. And everyone (up to 30) can have their own code (my mom has one). It's easier for them to remember their own, and you can track who has used it that way too.

These are cool- until you get freezing rain... then your ******...

Electronics and the elements do not play nicely together. Just saying.

Yeah, not sure why you didn't go to the leasing office. They have spare keys to every apartment, ya know for maintenance issues and whatnot. Sure, they probably would have charged you a small fee, but still much cheaper than the cost of the locksmith and new door handle/keys.

jcash52426 5

That's why you keep a spare key in your wallet