By LoveBytes - 27/03/2012 21:29 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I emailed my crush an anonymous love letter. It wasn't until twenty minutes later that I realized that the email address I used contained my full name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 672
You deserved it 44 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

And that's why you don't send love letters like a creeper.

ksjones2 5

Thats why you write love 'letters' not love 'emails'


Looking at the original poster's location, all I have to say is: Ah, BC pot, need I say more.

Man up and grow a pair. Just tell her you like her. Don't do any of this anonymous cr*p

muffinXmonster 12
cierraashlee 5

It could be a sign from the universe trying to teach you to open up your heart to someone you care about and have courage rather than sending anonymous emails. Congrats, you found a challenge that if you over come, it can improve your life by so much. Believe me, I had the same problem once. ;)

Lets just hope you did sign Anonymus because then you will look even more stupid

Op be happy... At last she knows you LOVE her...there is nothing to do now... Just wait her respond if any...

Nice one OP. Better hope he's not the kinda guy to check his E-Mails. Or pretend it's a chain virus message.

Nice one OP. Better hope he's not the kinda guy to check his E-Mails. Or pretend it's a chain virus message.