By Haberdashing - 13/11/2013 20:10 - United States - Rochester

Today, I donated blood. Afterwards, I regained consciousness on the floor with a half-eaten cookie in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 987
You deserved it 4 049

Haberdashing tells us more.

Wow. This was my FML. It was my first time giving blood. I'd tried once before but my hemoglobin was too low. So I made sure to eat lots of iron rich foods the weeks before and was fine this time. Everything went really well. But when I got settled at the table with the snacks where they make you wait for 15 minutes I started to feel a bit dizzy. I fainted then. I'd been in the middle of eating my cookie, so it wasn't that odd. The wonderful people there caught me and lowered me to the floor, and I was only out for about 20 seconds. When I woke I was just really confused, and all I could really coherently think was "I have a half chewed cookie in my mouth," and I couldn't figure out how to swallow. They gave me juice and ice and I went back to my dorm to lay down until class. I think it actually went really well, and I'm excited to give blood in the future. I'll just have a larger breakfast and stay laying down for longer.

Top comments

emirie 21

I totally pictured you walking with a cookie in your mouth, minding your business and suddenly fainting.


Were you the loser of a little game of ookie cookie? I guess you will never know?!?! least it was for a good cause:) I almost fainted after I donated my first time

Ins0mau 20

It'd be a hell of a coincidence if she'd passed out from something else!

was it your cookie I am imagining in Supernatural when Dean put the spoon in Sams mouth and he woke up and was like waht.

It was mine. I wish it were more like in Supernatural. Prank wars are more fun than blood loss.

When I went for the first time. I was given orange juice afterward. I was fine actually.

lol this is actually kinda a g99d way lol

flashback_fml 14

I didn't do that when i gave blood the first time. Aside from one kid acting like he was in ICU nobody did anything like that.