By Haberdashing - 13/11/2013 20:10 - United States - Rochester

Today, I donated blood. Afterwards, I regained consciousness on the floor with a half-eaten cookie in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 987
You deserved it 4 049

Haberdashing tells us more.

Wow. This was my FML. It was my first time giving blood. I'd tried once before but my hemoglobin was too low. So I made sure to eat lots of iron rich foods the weeks before and was fine this time. Everything went really well. But when I got settled at the table with the snacks where they make you wait for 15 minutes I started to feel a bit dizzy. I fainted then. I'd been in the middle of eating my cookie, so it wasn't that odd. The wonderful people there caught me and lowered me to the floor, and I was only out for about 20 seconds. When I woke I was just really confused, and all I could really coherently think was "I have a half chewed cookie in my mouth," and I couldn't figure out how to swallow. They gave me juice and ice and I went back to my dorm to lay down until class. I think it actually went really well, and I'm excited to give blood in the future. I'll just have a larger breakfast and stay laying down for longer.

Top comments

emirie 21

I totally pictured you walking with a cookie in your mouth, minding your business and suddenly fainting.


pchaney24 6

At least you didn't pee yourself when you passed out like some idiot I know (cough cough me cough cough)

Hmmm how is it possible there should have been some one who could have helped you anyway hope u r better have some juice and proly don't drink today if you actually drink.

SethRileybb 7

I donated blood then puked all over the floor. At least you were not conscious.

Wow. This was my FML. It was my first time giving blood. I'd tried once before but my hemoglobin was too low. So I made sure to eat lots of iron rich foods the weeks before and was fine this time. Everything went really well. But when I got settled at the table with the snacks where they make you wait for 15 minutes I started to feel a bit dizzy. I fainted then. I'd been in the middle of eating my cookie, so it wasn't that odd. The wonderful people there caught me and lowered me to the floor, and I was only out for about 20 seconds. When I woke I was just really confused, and all I could really coherently think was "I have a half chewed cookie in my mouth," and I couldn't figure out how to swallow. They gave me juice and ice and I went back to my dorm to lay down until class. I think it actually went really well, and I'm excited to give blood in the future. I'll just have a larger breakfast and stay laying down for longer.

emirie 21

I totally pictured you walking with a cookie in your mouth, minding your business and suddenly fainting.

emirie 21

And terrible D: I'm glad it went okay though!

savysnugglebear 10

I'm glad you plan on giving blood and not have this time ruin it for others times to come :) you've done a great thing by giving blood! Sorry for the fainting but glad you got over it quickly!

afaik you shouldn't eat anything before giving blood, allergens etc. So no big breakfast for you before :(

JMichael 25

Actually you are encouraged to be well nourished before you give blood. That way you're not getting dehydrated while your blood is draining.

Good for you for giving! I did too until I got a tattoo, now I have to wait :(. It has a lot to do with your weight too, a lot of my friends can't because they aren't heavy enough. Good luck on it next time!

southernbelle_rn 16

Thank you for donating! Always eat before you give blood, whether it's for donation or a blood test (unless they say you cannot eat for the test). I always have a low iron no matter what, so I have not been able to. You have to wait if you've just gotten a tattoo, a piercing, just had a child recently, or have had a needle stick (such as if you've accidentally stuck yourself with a needle). Certain neuromuscular diseases will keep you from donating as well. Thank you for donating! We always need more blood for lives!

Believe me, it makes a difference. Some regions in particular, and blood type dependent, it'll be used almost as soon as it's cleared by their testing department. Don't hesitate to ask what hospitals are serviced by that particular drive. Odds are, you're going to know friends, family, maybe even you yourself have gone to some of them.

It's awesome you donate blood and will still continue to do so! I wish I could, but they said since I'm five foot tall I would have to weigh about 135 pounds and I'm only about 110.

I have passed out twice. It probably happens a lot.

And no one thought you'd choke on the cookie?

frizz101 22

151 have you ever given blood? It doesn't sound like it because the rule is to eat a good dinner and a well balanced breakfast. If you don't, they won't let you donate. Good for you OP, next time you donate make sure you eat carbs for dinner, and protein for breakfast!

fooltemptress 36

Be sure to also drink lots of water beforehand. You will faint if you're dehydrated. When I was able to donate blood, I always made sure to drink 8 glasses of water a day for several day before I donated, otherwise I'd faint.

It's awesome that you're still gonna donate again even after you passed out! It really does help a lot of people.

You should ALWAYS eat a nice meal before donating. cereal for breakfast, for example, is high in iron and can really help you and your chances of not fainting @yesthisischarlie

I think it's great that you want to help people by giving blood, but as a medical professional I feel the need to tell you that you shouldn't again. You were denied the first time for a reason and fainted the second time. You need to keep your own health in mind first.

wombatred26 8

And what rock did you crawl out from under?! Allergens have nothing to do with it! They encourage you to eat at least four hours before donating blood. It's recommended that you consume protein and iron rich foods and to be well hydrated for a day or two before if you have a history of having low hematocrit levels or borderline anemic test results.

That's really awesome that you will still continue to donate blood. I wish I could donate blood but I have too many military and health restrictions to be able to any more. Carry on the great work.

Well done I am glad to hear that you are not going to let it keep you from giving a very precious gift that a lot of soldiers have had to get to stay alive. As well as others. Wish there were more like you. Thank you and hope it goes better next time. Oh and orange juice after really helps.

You should see a doctor as well if your haemoglobin is generally low and you fainted after donating blood. My workmates and I used to donate frequently and one guy used to pass with haemoglobin although on the low side. One day he felt really dizzy and the Red Cross recommended he see a doctor about it. That's when he found out he was coeliac! Not so badly he felt ill when eating gluten but his gut wasn't functioning as it should.

I believe that counts only for personal blood tests to measure specific values. Since you take out much more blood when you donate, and the sugar in your blood after a good meal aren't lethal or dangerous to the recipient, you have to eat something to energetic to sustain so much blood being drained from you! :) hope I clarified the subject :)

Thats exactly what happened to me! I tried about 3 weeks ago and only had a 12.0, not the minimum 12.5. So lots of spinach latter and today I had a 12.8! Still fainted though. Oh well. Good luck!

Good attitude. I'm glad you're willing to try again. :)

TcheQ 12

Would have been funnier if you didn't have a cookie in your mouth before fainting

Kind of defeats the purpose of the FML had the cookie not been involved

You misunderstand the original reply. They're saying that it would be funnier if they didn't know where the cookie came from