By Haberdashing - 13/11/2013 20:10 - United States - Rochester

Today, I donated blood. Afterwards, I regained consciousness on the floor with a half-eaten cookie in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 987
You deserved it 4 049

Haberdashing tells us more.

Wow. This was my FML. It was my first time giving blood. I'd tried once before but my hemoglobin was too low. So I made sure to eat lots of iron rich foods the weeks before and was fine this time. Everything went really well. But when I got settled at the table with the snacks where they make you wait for 15 minutes I started to feel a bit dizzy. I fainted then. I'd been in the middle of eating my cookie, so it wasn't that odd. The wonderful people there caught me and lowered me to the floor, and I was only out for about 20 seconds. When I woke I was just really confused, and all I could really coherently think was "I have a half chewed cookie in my mouth," and I couldn't figure out how to swallow. They gave me juice and ice and I went back to my dorm to lay down until class. I think it actually went really well, and I'm excited to give blood in the future. I'll just have a larger breakfast and stay laying down for longer.

Top comments

emirie 21

I totally pictured you walking with a cookie in your mouth, minding your business and suddenly fainting.


I wish I could ): But I get tattoos/piercings too often and never have an 8 month window between! I always say I'm going to wait until after 8 months, but I give in and can't do it!

I always fainted too, sometimes even before I got off table lol. I would still give, but I keep getting tattoos. Don't judge, I love my ink!

My first and last time giving blood was, in high school and I forged my moms signature to go, extremely painful since my blood clots too quickly and thus I've been to scared to give blood again. its cool that your able to do that. giving blood is not as easy as it seems you really have to wanna do it. you go OP!

That happens to me every time I give blood!


Good for you for donating blood :) . My wife is also an active blood donor, despite her phobia of needles. I myself am split at it, I really admire the act of donating, but I have serious issues with the actual performance, with the hose draining my blood (i passed out in biology class in high school when we were checking our blood type by pricking our own finger...). Luckily for me, I am not allowed to give blood in my country, because I lived several years in Africa when I was younger.