By stillyoung - 02/11/2010 06:50 - Australia

Today, I discovered that the upside of losing weight is that men have started hitting on me. The downside? They're all twice my age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 698
You deserved it 4 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Lose more weight. There are a lot of middle-aged chubby-chasers out there, but not a lot of young ones. As men age, they either lower their standards, or find out that sex with fatties is awesome, and become plumpa humpas. Good job on losing some of your weight, but you'll have to keep it up if you want to attract boys your own age. You might find it easier to give one of those old dudes a try and let him surprise you.


33: Yeah, me too. It's really bad when it's some dude with gray or even white hair... someone who's probably late 40s to mid 50s, because I'm only 20. OP, FYL. I feel your pain, and it's really creepy and frustrating. Congrats on loosing the weight, that's awesome regardless. Don't let this discourage you from that. :)

It happens a lot to me as well. But I have a plan. Phase 1 is to stop putting half-naked pictures of myself on the Internet. Hopefully, I won't have to implement phase 2.

It happens a lot to me as well. But I have a plan. Phase 1 is to stop putting half-naked pictures of myself on the Internet. Hopefully, I won't have to implement phase 2.

perdix 29

So, vivien, with a pic like that, I take it you like the world you're living in. It certainly won't prevent the men who are twice your age from hitting on you. So, do you come here often ;) ?

Have they been referring to you as "finger puppet" or "frosty tot" by chance? lol

well. I think u brought it onto yourself.

mmm Johnny Depp...yum yum gimmee some! ohhh he is a fiiiiiine slab of Kobe beef.!

Never take advice from someone who's profile pic is him looking down half-nude and thinks it's cute to replace an R with 12 in "ROMANCE."

Eventually you will find the guy that loves you for you and not your ass. If you have already found the perfect guy, embrace the creepiness and flattery of all those old guys hitting on you.

older men are better lovers and better providers. stop being a bigot and look for a person for their personality. otherwise you'll end up with a jerk

perdix 29

I totally agree! I wish I had the skills and knowledge that I have now when I was a young man. If I did, I would have been beating them off with a stick, instead having to do the job myself ;) They say that you slow down as you get older, and sex is one area where the race is not won by the swiftest.

RedPillSucks 31

LOL perdix. Never underestimate the value of a suger daddy. What's the old saying? Once you lose the fatty, you bring out the suger daddy.

karmaslave 5

It's hardly bigotry to want someone close to your own age instead of someone old enough to be your parent. Sheesh.

perdix 29

It's not bigotry -- it's just close-mindedness . . . and a way to miss out on the night of your life ;)

CoachLlama 5

I don't see anything wrong with her wanting to date men her own age. Tastes are varied. There is a reason why we see so many flavors of soda in the store. I'm sure many women already know the benefits of dating successful, mature, financially secure men. Maybe she enjoys playing second fiddle to *WoW and paying her share of dinner. lol. *Note. if you have to google "WoW", you may be one of those mature men.

I doubt that the older guys who are hitting on her are more evolved. If they weren't shallow, they'd be hitting on women their own age, instead of young women they can wear on their arm to impress their friends.

CoachLlama 5

More evolved? Not shallow? Who said older men are any of those things? Older men are men who have been around more years than you. Being around more years doesn't mean you stop being vain and competitive.