By Full Stomach Empty Wallet - 06/08/2015 10:50 - United States - Danvers

Today, I discovered that the five-star meal that my friend treated me to last night was actually meant to be repayment of the $200 I loaned her last month. I needed that money for bills and she refuses to give me another cent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 003
You deserved it 2 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

worse than that, even if it did cost $200, she would have only eaten $100th worth, so where is the rest of the money


corky1992 33

Think it may be time to find another friend.

if your friend had enough money to pay for such a dinner surely the money shouldn't have been a problem.. people these days

Why did you agree to let her pay for a 5 star meal when she owed you money that you needed?

Ugh I feel you OP, my mother tries to do that all the time.

ChopSuey444 20

Honestly YDI for loaning money you needed. I know it sounds harsh, but you should have made sure your necessities were cared for before lending that much money out.

tiredofwaiting 25

She does not sound like a friend you want to have longterm I think you should ditch her.

The 'friend' isn't unreliable, she's a flat out bitch who purposely screwed over OP. Unreliable is repeated promises to pay you back but never actually getting around to doing it, not offering to treat you to a fancy dinner and then claiming that was paying you back and refusing to give you your money.

Borrow her money when she's feeling happy and then do the same to her