By Anonymous - 25/01/2010 18:17 - United States

Today, I discovered that if you slip on ice, imitating Mario from Super Mario Bros when he attempts to stop himself slipping, won't work in real life. I now have a broken nose, as well as a blood trail running from my driveway into my kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 516
You deserved it 32 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redblueviolet 0

Doo. Doo. Doo doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo doooooooo. Ah, crap, and you're all out of lives!


pain_less_future 0

my teacher in icp did the same thing lol

Why the **** do people always go "^^^^^^^ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" teehee, i pointed out something that was obviously funny, do I get a cookie or approval for my pathetic life? [/sarcasm]

lol you are so awesome!! that made my day! =] too bad you hurt yourself though :(

sevlen 0

Mario makes it look to easy lol

omfg you ate a magic mushroom then he saw koopa troopa coming at him

OP, I hope you try imitating Tony's Pro Skater next.