By utensils123 - 09/02/2010 06:40 - Australia

Today, I discovered my brother likes to use our kitchen utensils to scratch his private areas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 342
You deserved it 2 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So thats what the sporks for. Half fork, half spoon, half ball scratcher. DO NOT QUESTION MY MATHS!

Twi_lover_EC 6

Ewwwww! I would seriously mess my brother up if he did that!

disgusting as hell... man some ppl are just.. nastyyy yuckkk

mekarski1008 0

Don't ask wat the wisk is for. xD

You know, up until I came on this site, I never expected people to be this disgusting. This is why I will put all of my kitchen utensils in a locked cabinet.

thats actually not a bad idea. OP, do this and see if it helps :D

perdix 29

You Aussies eat Vegemite, so I don't know how you can tell the difference between that and your brother's smegma.

perdix 29

Yeast extract is just a euphemism for the scum that remains after beer is processed. Another euphemism: beef by-products = cow lips and assholes. Bon appetit!

Ajjas013 6