By violated ._. - 22/08/2013 22:45 - United States

Today, I did something I'd always wanted to do: I went swimming with dolphins. It was really fun, until I went to kiss the dolphin, and she slipped her tongue half into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 312
You deserved it 15 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yankeesfancg 13

They say dolphins are the most intelligent mammals...


Brandon2916 9

So you made it to 1st, are you gonna round the bases?

Poetaster 10

Lesbian dolphins... Well, that was awkward!!

I've heard that bisexuality is quite common in dolphins.

minus making out with the dolphin, how was it? I've always wanted to swim or even pet a dolphin

Some dolphin males are homosexual and use their blowhole as a sexual orifice, adding a whole new meaning to getting your brains ****** out.

incoherentrmblr 21
sporty_14 5
InfamousFleet 3

did you go to its place or your place?

We're these captive or wild dolphins? If they were captive I'd do your research first! Seriously, there is a lot more than meets the eye with captive cetaceans.

Didn't you see Bob the Shark on Shark Week? Dolphins are gropey!

Poetaster 10

Umm ... News flash, that wasn't "his" tongue...