By Puggle1019 - 17/07/2018 20:30

Today, my brother gave me a massive rope burn. He got a 30-second talk with our mother. I got an allergic reaction to the lotion used to ease the pain. My mother said I was overreacting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 683
You deserved it 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chris_lillo 15

How did he give you a rope burn? If it was a sincere accident you cant expect your mom to give him some huge punishment.

commandpriority 5

I honestly read this as rug burn. Then I wondered if I was suddenly in the south


chris_lillo 15

How did he give you a rope burn? If it was a sincere accident you cant expect your mom to give him some huge punishment.

commandpriority 5

I honestly read this as rug burn. Then I wondered if I was suddenly in the south

blondie45 21

What are you, like 10 or something? Even old enough to be on FML?

Technically, she wasn't wrong, it was just your immune system overreacting. ...jokes aside, that sucks OP. Hopefully you've recovered by now.

How does one accidentally get rope burn?

Your mom KNOWS you have no problem putting that lotion on a friction burn