By Sigh - 23/05/2009 05:50 - United States

Today, I decided to tell my mother what I thought about religion. I've been raised catholic. I told her I was converting to Wicca, to which she sort of nodded and walked away. I went into my room to study with my earbuds in, music loud. I walked out to see a cross nailed above my door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 980
You deserved it 34 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZiggyMorrison 0

I sense a big theological debate in the works on this one any minute now oh and atleast she didnt throw holy water on you screaming THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!!!!!!!!!

#14: I judge all religion as bad for society, but there are some that are worse than others. #11: Google's your friend, but it's one of the Pagan religions, based around peace with nature and all living things. Its beliefs including never harming any living being except for food or self defense and the "Rule of Three" which states that if you hurt someone, you'll get hurt back three times as bad (and likewise, if you do good, good will come to you three times as strong). As far as religions go, it's probably one of the best out there.


We're in the same boat. I too was raised Catholic. I am in the year long process of converting to Wicca. My mother reacted well to it. She was understanding. My super catholic grandmother can't comprehend it and thinks its a phase but whatever. I'm not going to bother fighting those who think this is not a real religion, because it's very difficult to cure close-mindedness. I have tried telling most people that I am pagan though because people tend to get the wrong idea when you lay on them that you are Wiccan. But lawls at #61. A prime example of close-mindedness.

soulonfire928 0

Man if we didn't have religion there wouldn't be this bullshit arguing on the internet. It's ALL a ******* waste. Every single religion. Not just Catholicism or any one particular kind. All bullshit.

raison_detre 0

you know what? its so sad that we have to argue about what religion they are becoming. they could be converting to the new "blue sox are the way to heaven" religion and this FML would still be awful. I am so sorry that your mother can't understand you have chosen a path more suitable to you, that will improve your llife greatly. I went to a catholic school kindergarden through high scool, and I can understand your pain. I had to hide who i really was and live in fear that somebody in authority would find out and I would get kicked out of school(yes, they can do that){and isn't that so accepting of them, BAH!} *side not to those who think wicca is for "rebellious teens* you need to do your history! pagan were around long before christians. your "christmas tree" -old pagan tradition. many catholic rituals(yes, RITUALS) are based on pagans beliefs, so that in the early days people would make an easy transition from one religion to another, or at least for the two to exist peacefully. I hope your mother becomes more understanding. and oh btw- just take the cross down. what's the worst she could do other than nail it up again?

Sucks that you've clearly got a fundie family, but honestly, YDI for event CONTEMPLATING wicca. Seriously.

FYL. All the Catholics I know are really mean. They antagonize me for being an atheist and try to convert me. The Evangelists I know are really nice. They accept me and look beyond beliefs. Religion sucks.

perfectwinds 0

26- You do realize that Christianity is just a watered down version of Catholicism, right? Dipshit. Good for you. When I came out and told my mom (hardcore Christian) that I was agnostic (then eventually turned into atheist when I lost all faith) she didn't handle it too well.

im glad i always had understanding parents who didnt care what i chose... but it couldve been alot worse!

quackquackquac 0

You listen to music loudly while studying?