By Klamp18 - 20/12/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I decided to attach fifteen-pound weights to each foot so I could burn some extra calories while shoveling snow. My dad asked me to move one of the cars in the driveway. When I put my foot on the gas pedal, I couldn't take it off. I ended up hitting my sister and knocking her into a snow bank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 019
You deserved it 54 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gear89 0

words can't describe how stupid you are -.-

Rebecca1993 0


DanikaLee 0

This made me laugh so much!! haha ydi for driving with weights on your feet!

I hit YDI as soon as you said you attached weights to your feet.

look at the positive side, u did burn some extra calories :D

HAHAHAHAHAHAAH good going. thats horrible. but kind of funny. i bet your sister deserved it. i think i just peed though from laughing at this.

F A K E legs are the strongest part of your body. as long as you weigh more than 15lbs (which you do) you can lift the weights. dont ever post here again

natizakhi 0

OMG this is soooo ******* FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you couldnt take your foot off the pedal then how the **** did you walk around with those things on?! **** YOU YOU ******* *****! I ****** YOUR SISTER!

for real? go comment on your own things. its actually very possible that he couldnt lift his foot off the pedal.

natizhaki, you are a wank. Try to stop abusing people and being so offensive. F your life if you;ve nothing better to do

thinmint 0

dorsiflexion with 15lbs is quite diff than just walking around with them on your ankles. so yeah I can see how that could happen. FYSL!

because it got stuck under the brake u dumb mother *******

Nowhere in this post does the OP say that.

YDI for being fatass and trying to make something that tiring enough even more tiring ( dont even try to bs that shoveling snow is easy if youve shoveled it after a good foot or two falls down onto the ground you will be freakin tired after words)

stella23 0

I don't usually do this but I'm gonna call fake on this one. I'm pretty sure in most cars you need to put your foot on the brake in order to switch gears. Whether you were reversing or putting it in drive, your foot would have gotten stuck on the brake first, before you even got to the gas pedal. You should've known not to even touch the gas with the weight still on. If you did this and then were stupid enough to put your foot on the gas, YDI.

You don't need to use the brake for switching gears at all in a manual car, but you do brake and use your clutch at the same time quite often, when you are gently slowing down and changing to a lower gear, for instance when you approach a corner or a roundabout.