By Klamp18 - 20/12/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I decided to attach fifteen-pound weights to each foot so I could burn some extra calories while shoveling snow. My dad asked me to move one of the cars in the driveway. When I put my foot on the gas pedal, I couldn't take it off. I ended up hitting my sister and knocking her into a snow bank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 020
You deserved it 54 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gear89 0

words can't describe how stupid you are -.-

Rebecca1993 0


Fratkidz 0

You can't judge yourself because of what you see on the cover of magazines. Hollywood is fake. You don't have to kill your sister just because super models make you feel tubbish. Listen to Christina Augilera's "Beautiful" then look yourself in the mirror and say "Hey, that may not be me, but I don't deserve to die!" Then tell your mom she is wrong! Let your dad in he's locked himself out again! I love you!

I'm sorry, but I call BS. Not on what has occurred, but if you notice the "sister" left a comment on here. I doubt she is the actual sister, and I doubt the person who got into the car with the weights was a dude. It was a probably a girl. Just saying. This is something my sister would do, not any of my male counterparts.

SoccahhhBeotch06 0

Actually, she is my real biological sister, and the last time I checked I had male parts, so I'm pretty sure I"m a dude, but who knows, I could be wrong... and yes this really happened, and for all of you with the crazy imagination, I didn't hit her at 60 mph... so she is quite alright... yeah it WASN'T smart, but we got our laughs out of it, so I figured I would share it with you all, so thank you for all of the "nice" comments...

Saygeiful 0

...Honestly, I don't think he left the weights on, guys. xD He probably took them off and when he tried to drive the car, his reflexes were all messed up 'cause he was still adjusting to having the weights off his feet... get it? I could be wrong xD

masimoto 0

you suck for having snow to shovel.

Flutist 3

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