By DBZ - 20/02/2012 15:53 - United States

Today, I couldn’t have a conversation with my fiancé unless it was about Dragon Ball Z. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 686
You deserved it 7 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Da_Bauss435 8

yell "KA ME HA ME HA!!!" and punch him in the face


I loove dbZ it's all I talk about too :] and Duh way better then pokemon!!


Been there done that with my umm.. Friend that I tend to meet in bed. XD

It's time you dump him so another otaku can get with him.

BearBear1213 0

This man has his priorities straight.

You should tell kah meh ah meh ah when are at your peak in bed

You make this sound like its a bad thing DBZ rules

I don't understand why your life sucks. Dragon Ball Z is awesome

FMLx10O 0

pokemon sucks ass compared to dragon ball and that man is the smartest person ever