By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 15:30 - United States

Today, I came home to find a mouse in the garage. Frantic, I killed it. My 7-year-old son came home from soccer, and started crying because he couldn't find the class pet, Mr. Whiskers. I killed my son's class pet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 693
You deserved it 18 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3rdbass 9

The mouse wasn't asking for a cookie. You didn't need to kill him.


Honestly why the hell are so many people terrified by mice? They're the least terrifying thing on the planet!

I think it would have been a grand idea if knew about the mouse before he brought it home...but I guess that slipped by you

Quite frankly I'm calling BS. If it was a class pet there would have been a cage and food that the mouse came home with/in. Why the hell would it be loose in the garage? And if you did have a son dumb enough to let it loose it would have died anyway.

How did you not know your son brought home a school pet mouse? I think that's something I'd pay attention to.