By xoothc08 - 25/02/2009 22:06 - United States

Today, I came back from college and visited my parents house. There was a new family portrait hung over the mantel of my parents and 2 sisters. My mom had always wanted one but always postponed it. It was dated the day after I left for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 226
You deserved it 2 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bcrklein 0

If I were you, I'd break the portrait and never speak to my family again. That's just mean.

Taihen 0

That's sooo not cool! Totally f'd up.


horseluver4ever 0

I agree w/ #13 and 37!!!!! If your parents were going to get a nice picture to hang up, they wouldn't put the DATE on it! How tacky would that be? The only place I could see having a date on it is the back... and if you periodically check the back of your parent's pictures for suspiciousness, then dude, you're a creeper.

On professional family portraits, it is completely normal to have the date painted in the bottom corner. Usually -Not Always- with a thin brush, dipped in gold paint.

Zak1616 0

god i know what that's like. the day i left for college, my mother started redecorating my bedroom in preparation of turning it into a guest room. before i left, she made me help her hang pictures. what a nice way of saying goodbye to living with my parents.

irrelevantxx 0

FYL allllllll the way. That suckss

BlooCheese 6

Heh my mother did this to me too, only she scheduled it on a day she knew I had a late shift at my job. I feel for you ):

myjz 0

move out. then see who has the last laugh

that's ****** up, and your moms kind of a bitch....sorry man

starfleet9 9

What a bunch of crap! Lame...

sarahfml14 0

I'm pretty sure I'd be mute to my parents for a while... That sucks bad

I really don't understand how some people can be so ******* shitty.