By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 19:50 - United States

Today, I called in to my girlfriend's favorite radio station to propose. After spending what seemed like an eternity telling her how much I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, she took a deep breath, said, "How about no?" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 232
You deserved it 4 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JackeeDawn 9

It's okay OP... Atleast it's not a tv station you went on, nobody seen your face when she said no

I give you props for trying to be original, OP. Dont worry, you'll find the right gal.


4-queen reference there should make op feel much better :). But honestly op, if she says no she isn't worth it. You won't feel that way now but 2 weeks or a month from now you will :) silver lining buddy

Oh lord....I heard something like this on the radio where I live. It was so sad....You poor thing.

Really over the radio? How do you know she was listening at the time. I don't even understand how you thought it would be a good idea. You are dumb

panda4567 0

dude the radio station probably called her The only dumb one here is you.

no worries, some girls just don't appreciate great guys. you will find someone better, trust me :)

Maybe she does not deserve you :)

HelloGuys 4

I would never propose in public. Alot of girls dont like that

Ashley0911 8

Aw, poor OP you obviously deserve better then the insensitive girlfriend you have now.

she's not ready yet or just didn't want to have the proposal heard by many...the time will come least she didn't miss it now that would be even worse...

FML_a_Must 7

I guess she was expecting something much more or a face to face surprise kinda thing.