By Anonymous - 27/08/2011 08:12 - United States

Today, I broke my right leg. I've had one shot of morphine, and even that only relieved the pain a little. It's now totally worn off and I have yet to get pain medication of any kind. My leg has been broken for over nine hours now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 976
You deserved it 4 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And instead of finding help you post on FML

Good call 104. I'm pretty smart, but I had completely overlooked the fact that OP might have broken her leg by breaking the bone. Thanks for your diagnosis, doctor.


Brialuvsu 7

Although I posted a comment about breaking my ankle and not going to the doctor for 2 days and no pain meds, I do have to say that everyone has different pain tolerences and not everyone is the same. For example: My dad broke his collar bone somewhere between the ages of 10 and 13 and didn't know for 10 years, no pain meds or doctors, nothing. I broke my ankle and I had no pain meds what so ever and didn't go to the doctor for 2 days and I pretty much didn't cry, like, at all. But my brother broke his wrist and had to have an ambulance come and go to the hospital asap and have a lot of pain meds and cried a lot because he just couldn't take it. I know this sounds hypocritical, but everyone is different, so you can't judge everyone by your pain tolerance and stuff...

is op still at hispital is my question. if they are docs should give them something unless they are holding off incase a surgery is needed. but really morphine is far fr the miracle pain killer people think it is. i have had several surgeries and the morphine injections they give you on the recovery room only relieves the pain for a few minutes. i feel for you op but hollar for the docs or if you are home call the doc that treated you and ask for a prescriptipn.

i know how you feel, i had my wrist broken and haid to wait 5 hours to go to the hospital and three more hours with barely any morphine

It's not that bad I broke my collar bone (the most painful bone to break) they sent me home with no cast or anything and only gave me one painkiller that barely worked.

hoyt1995 0

Yea I broke my leg and got nothing in the first 9 hours do feel lucky

I walked on a broken foot for 3 weeks....

Swift4Life 13

That's the American health system for ya.