By AsshatUncle - 30/11/2015 02:47 - United States - Tampa

Today, I bought lunch for my grandparents, aunts, and uncles. My uncle apparently felt uncomfortable at the restaurant, because he got up and flipped the table over before leaving. The bill tripled because of the broken glass, and my uncle called me up later for a ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 322
You deserved it 1 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

askullnamedbilly 33

Does it really need to be said? Get him to pay you back for the broken table, and consider not ever inviting him out again.

He sounds like the kind of guy you'd hate to beat at board games.


TurtleShampoo 14
askullnamedbilly 33

Does it really need to be said? Get him to pay you back for the broken table, and consider not ever inviting him out again.

It maddens the hell out of me when some people leave us out in the cold with no follow-up.

At least you know who to not invite over next time..

crochet_addict 10

Maybe you should flip him the bird as you drive by without him.

He sounds like the kind of guy you'd hate to beat at board games.

I feel like every good board game ends in that kinda stuff regardless if there's a lack of a tantrum thrower. Then again maybe yall have calmer families than me. I don't know. all I know is feelings are very hurt after monopoly.

GhostDuck 30

I feel like no matter how tame, everyone fights after Monopoly. Everyone. Meanwhile, my family can't get through a few rounds of Uno before there's arguing and slapping courtesy of the 12 year old.

olpally 32

Don't pick him up. What a dick.

cheeology 22

Did something trigger him OP? Or does he have any mental issues? Hopefully someone helped you pay the bill after all.