By Kisuke_Urahara - 30/11/2015 02:11 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my Grandfather's funeral, my Grandmother decided it would be a good time to tell the story of the time she went to a strip club. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 134
You deserved it 1 781

Kisuke_Urahara tells us more.

Honestly, it was pretty funny. Just a little awkward at the time.

Top comments

"Your grandfather could shake it like nobody's business. I knew I had to marry him."

llamarrama01 21

She wanted to help everyone pole themselves together


AirBusDriver 23

That's just part of life... Go Granny!

Honestly, it was pretty funny. Just a little awkward at the time.

llamarrama01 21

She wanted to help everyone pole themselves together

PePziNL 20

That pic fits sooo good with that comment

Least shes in good spirits... it sounds like

At least she wasn't telling about the time she worked at one

"Your grandfather could shake it like nobody's business. I knew I had to marry him."

It's a time to celebrate a life well lived! Sharing stories - even the frisky ones - is a way to do that.

olpally 32

Funny, yet not the time or place for it. Lol, gahhhh.

At least your grandma knew how to have fun!

cheeology 22

Sounds like my kind of funeral, obviously your grandmother knows how to lighten a situation and think about all the positives rather than dwell in the moment, older generations seem to be able to adapt to sad situations and turn them around easier than anyone else. Sorry for your loss though.