By picaboo - 10/08/2009 16:41 - Singapore

Today, I bought a new computer. I gave my old one to my mother. After handing it over and going home, I realised I forgot to change the background picture, a naked photo of my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 084
You deserved it 68 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rach17 0

Idiot. You didn't notice a naked picture of your girlfriend while you were clearing all your info off your old computer. You totally deserved this. And I pity your girlfriend.

awkkwaaard...but even more awkward for ur girlfriend


My background image has been a black screen since I was like 12 learn how to computer


Did you also forget to erase all your ****?

How would you forget something like that? You must be really stupid.

You kinda deserved it. I mean, really?

Ok, let me get this straight... you backed everything up, copied all your own files to a harddisk and yet you forget something like that?!

should have payed more attention to tge details