By Anonymous - 30/10/2018 15:30

Today, I was fired from my job for sexual harassment. I was shopping after work, and I had to get my female manager to give me a package of extra-large condoms from the lockbox. I could not convince her that I was not flirting, and she took it to HR. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 124
You deserved it 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when you file a complaint for unfair dismissal, tell your boss she's old enough to know better, and threaten a lawsuit. Oh, and kudos.

cazziuz1983 9

Forthose of you saying he shouldn't have bought from where he works, one word... Discount. For the rest if it, OP you need to look into legal aspects of this, if they fired you for that complaint alone, then something shady is going on.


This is when you file a complaint for unfair dismissal, tell your boss she's old enough to know better, and threaten a lawsuit. Oh, and kudos.

MamaChey 24

Great advice. Now you’ve just instructed OP to call his boss old. Trust me, that’s how she’ll take it

Unless OP has a contract with the company, they're SOL. The company's HR are who fired him, so he can't complain to anyone. Unless he can prove (and the burden of proof is high) that he was fired for a protected reason (race, religion, etc.), he is just screwed.

You're old enough to interpret my comment correctly.

Actually from a legal standpoint it’s not sexual harassment unless it’s recurring and is bad enough to change the work environment in a hostile manner. Unless he was constantly flirting with his coworkers and his boss this doesn’t constitute sexual harassment so he can file a wrongful discharge claim.

It doesn’t matter who fired him, it’s the reason, unrightful dismissal is illegal

ViviMage 38

You realize most men can't use XL condoms right? Very few men actually *need* that size. If it was me, and I really do in fact use that size, I'd go to another store I don't work at to avoid this awkward situation. It does come off as cheeky/boasting if nothing else.

PenguinPal3017 19

Victim blaming! He should definitely sue.

Actually most xl condoms are about 1/4 inch larger than regular and are designed to appease the male ego.

onceuponatime456 16
Milou 5

"Most men can't use these and are just boasting, I, on the other hand, Steve McHugecock..." 🙄

doesn't count when your dick is wider than it is long. chode boy.

I love how he clarified that they were XL condoms. 😂

You shouldn’t buy condoms from people you know.

PenguinPal3017 19

I used to work at a gas station, people who I knew bought condoms there. It's not a big deal at all. But I already knew you were immature from your previous comments ;)

cazziuz1983 9

Forthose of you saying he shouldn't have bought from where he works, one word... Discount. For the rest if it, OP you need to look into legal aspects of this, if they fired you for that complaint alone, then something shady is going on.

Extra large condoms are just a marketing gimmick. You just wanted to tell her you’re “extra large”. A regular sized condom fits over your entire forearm because they stretch and are already extra long to be one size fits all.

PenguinPal3017 19

Are you stupid? There's no bone in the penis! It would be uncomfortably tight. I will sit on a wood chair, that doesn't mean I'll rest my head on a wood pillow. Common sense.

PenguinPal3017 19

You should definitely sue. This is not okay. It's scary that people actually voted "you deserved it". I hope that you win millions OP.

GreenReaper 13

If OP works in retail, the odds that they win millions in a lawsuit over this are 0%.

live_to_love 25

Why people are just crazy ? They have no idea how they can ruin lifes... Sorry to hear that and hope you will find another job where no one is mentally ill and use the #metoo with no reason although there are real victims.

Sorry, but when I worked retail, that's one of many reasons I would never shop where I work.

PenguinPal3017 19

If you get a discount it's a real shame not to. So much money thrown away. You shouldn't be fired for buying something.