By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 19:10 - Israel

Today, I asked my lazy daughter to go make her bed. She responded by lighting our garbage bin on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 575
You deserved it 10 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

Your request got her fired up, it seems.


Sounds like you have more issues now than her just not making her bed. Trash bin on fire seems like a bit much.. You'd think shed just light the sheets on fire instead - then she wouldn't have had to make the bed. Either way.. Starting a fire over something minor - seems like there's more going on. Good luck and don't let her near anything that could cause a fire!

You know, there's a thin line between lazy and psycopath, and... Nope, she's a psycopath.

KylarStern19 7

Ummm that's not lazy that's Pyro sociopath.

Sounds like you're doing a good job raising a future IDF soldier...

vrock01 2

im sorry but thats one of the times that a time out is not good enough i think that and i am only 17