By kimboslice106 - 08/06/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend to spend the night at my house because my dad would be working out of town, and once the rest of the house left I thought it'd be sweet if he snuck in my room and slept with me. His reply was "Why bother? You're on your period, it's not like we can do anything." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 231
You deserved it 14 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicospec 1
mikejunior88 4

he likes you for one reason clearly. now you get to decide if you want to be with a person like that or not.


FirstBornUnicorn 0

Watch out for bears. They can smell the menstration.

idiot. some if the best sex is when a girl is having her period.

myspacer117 0

sounds like my boyfriend. :/

absolutely!! it cuts my period time literally in half!!! it's awesome!

slipfox 0

that's when the shower becomes your best option ;)

That stinks, you can tell him to put a stick in butt and see what it felt alike having a cramp. Plus, you can still making love with you if you are on a period. Some people freak out making love with her (while she is on a period) and some people doesn't bothered at all. Overall, dumped him, he only want sex. He had no excuses to snuggling with you!

son4life 0

wow people you can still do things wit us bein on our period, the shower is the best place an lay down a towel an go to town, try new things you'll like it

logansgirl 0

Sorry but this guy sounds like a real winner. That's like saying,"You're not worth being around if we can't have sex." Find a new boyfriend.....seriously.