By Application - 28/07/2015 20:44 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, I asked my boss for a promotion. "You don't work here but I can give you a job application." I've been working here for 8 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 731
You deserved it 2 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your boss is 100% serious, you're better off working in a place where you don't have an oblivious jackass as a boss. I honestly can't think of a better solution. Good luck.


Well if you apparently aren't working there you should just show up, not do anything, and continue to get paid.

You want a premotion? How about a demotion to intern...

that sucks op, try to make yourself noticeable and soon enough you'll get that raise ?

Wow, they let anyone run a company these days.

HighasaCloud 46

He could be hinting at something...

If you have made so little of an impression on your boss, why do you think you deserve a promotion?

flychicc 13

Did they take your red Swingline stapler?

pandit_ash 2

Give him a massive kick on the ass...

nina0917 26

Aww, talk about being invisible. Find another job op