By nolinguist - 22/11/2009 17:39 - Austria

Today, I arrived in Austria. Within about an hour, I realized that I couldn't understand any "German". Turns out they have a totally different dialect here to anything I was taught in school. I'm here till May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 312
You deserved it 18 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"ich liebe meine scheide" just say that everywhere you go

remember, the universal language for ordering at a restaraunt is point at the item listed.


drkstr 0

Ich komme aus Deutschland. Your German must suck if you can't get by in Austria.

partychix246 0

ya I know right it's weird but you should be able to understand it mostly cuz I understood it cuz I'm fluent in high German and I spent one semester there

muzician 0

it's not that different really

HockeyDude15 0

everywhere has a different dialect u fag face

angelwing701 0

Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen - I can't speak German

BonIfatius 3

haha I'm from Vienna, and even I had troubles understanding them sometimes >.< beautiful region, though :)

Still remember when at home we got satellite TV and could see not only Austrian TV but also German one. Pretty much the first thing I watched was an interview of a German news-show with a farmer from Tyrol (West Austria). They subtitled him. It really depends a lot where in Austria somebody has grown up. In Eastern Austria peoples dialect is a bit closer to Standard German, the farther south or west you are going the heavier the dialect, especially in Alpine valleys. I learned Standard German only in the German-lessons in secondary school, in all other classes we spoke dialect. I have to concentrate to speak it and it sounds rather awkward in my ears.

Eh... Unless you're in some remote mountain village, it's not that difficult to adapt to. Try regional Switzerland (even Zürich doesn't compare to that one)...

Don't worry, it isn't very different from regular German. Also, one month there and you'll be fluent!(: