By Shaz - 24/08/2019 06:18 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I accidentally pulled out six of my eyelashes. It's noticeable. Very noticeable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 440
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six in a row in the middle is hard. It's happened to me too with my curler. Black eye liner, dark eyeshadow perhaps. With mascara, try to brush them towards the gap, so it kind of fills it. Do all this till you can nab some end falsies at the store if it's too hard to cover. It'll be fine in a week or so!

Mathalamus 24

I pull out eyelashes all the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.


Why didn’t you quit after one? Yank one eyelash, shame on you Yank two eyelashes, shame on me ... Yank six eyelashes, I must be nuts!!!

Trichtillomania is just one specific kind of “nuts.”

Mathalamus 24

I pull out eyelashes all the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.

Six in a row in the middle is hard. It's happened to me too with my curler. Black eye liner, dark eyeshadow perhaps. With mascara, try to brush them towards the gap, so it kind of fills it. Do all this till you can nab some end falsies at the store if it's too hard to cover. It'll be fine in a week or so!

BigSissy 14

It sounds like an eyelash curler situation gone wrong.

Trinity Fenwick 7

they have false eyelashes just for that. sorta like 'fillers' instead of full ones. they should do the trick

Did "everybody" talk about it to you? Or are you just assuming its blatantly obvious to everyone else? I don't look at eyelashes or even care if they are missing...