By dumbassgrad - 12/12/2012 19:14 - United States - El Monte

Today, I accidentally left my textbook at home. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but today was my class final. Since it was an open-book final, I'd decided not to study for it. I'm pretty sure I failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 355
You deserved it 38 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's kind of ballsy. I always study for open book tests and put little sticky notes in the most important parts for quick reference.

Your still supposed to study for open book tests otherwise you usually don't complete it on time because your busy looking things up.


you should always study or at least reveiw the chapter the day before to make sure you know the material because open book tests always means its gonna be harder than a normal test.

Well if you are that dumb, you would have even managed to fail the openbook final with your book, I guess.

doglover100 28

Even if the test was open notes still study, it will save you time. You'd have more time to answer the questions instead of flipping through pages to find the answer.

YDI for not studying, even if its an open textbook test

I know how you feel. It happened to my friend and Today I have an open book and I haven't done any studying because I was studying for another exam which I am sure I failed. So I will be screwed.

david1029 3

I did the same thing yesterday. :(

caitiebug1119 15

I had a teacher who made all of our tests open note but told us to study because we wouldn't have time to look up every answer. I studied and always had my notes, no missing spaces, but always made a B or C. So even if you had the book, you still might have failed. Especially if the instructor likes to put things on a test that was talked about in class but not in the book.

Just because something is open-book doesn't mean you shouldn't study for it. Because unfortunate things like that can (and in your case did) happen. Better luck next time, OP.

Crichton55 4

Don't worry OP, I did the same thing yesterday.