By Username - 03/02/2011 04:46

Today, I accidentally drank my sister's science project. Her science project consisted of taking a glass of orange juice and putting maggots in it to see if they would live. I thought it was just pulp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 943
You deserved it 24 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you just drink a random glass of juice that was just sitting out for no reason?


inarticulating 0

that's a freaking dumb project. they wouldn't live because they feed off of rotting meat, not orange juice wtf. besides, they'd probably just drown too. :/

My goodness you people speak street language. it's my typo messing up my sentences. no wonder you people have no life. I ain't coming back to read this whatsoever I feel sorry for all of you and too bad if someone speak like that to you. tsk tsk adios

It doesn't look like it's only your "typos" messing up your comments. You just can't speak English. Might I suggest redneck? It might be a little easier for you to understand.

happysmartg 5

are you implying that you just picked up a random glass of liquid and drank it? you idiot.

jeannicole 0

Once my aunt left BLEACH in a DRINKING CUP on a PICNIC TABLE, so three-year-old me thought it was drinkable. Very unpleasant. On the one hand, a warning from your sis would have been nice, but on the other hand, you're most likely old enough to know better than to drink out of random cups left sitting around.

hahhahahahah I laughed out loud when I read this one

SkateboardGirl88 11

look at what you drink dumbass

Digimonfreakk 0

oh Jesus Titts That Made Me wanna Punch A Russian baby in the face!!!://