By no - 20/03/2014 22:18 - United Kingdom - London

Today, for the third time this week, a random person in the street walked up to me and told me how much I look like Grumpy Cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 832
You deserved it 5 465

Same thing different taste

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1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Step 1: Post a side by side photo. Step 2: Become famous.


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AnOriginalName 19

Resting bitch face (RBF) is a serious condition, and not necessarily related to being grumpy. One does not simply stop being afflicted by RBF.

I'll need photographic evidence before I make a ruling.

incoherentrmblr 21
1PersonIsMyWorld 22
caohm 18

Indeed I also am curious about the level of grumpy and cats associated with your face.

crazytwinsmom 25

This should at least be an illustrated FML.

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Probably just a mean prank. Stay optimistic. What they say doesn't matter

Because random means that people are secretly working together. Huh, who knew?

#8, yeah the person who posted this doesn't know them, but you never know if the people saying it know each other.

Trooth 13

Well at least you'd be a famous meme! You could start a new one: "Real Life Grumpy Cat!"

But there is only ONE real life grumpy cat!

Step 1: Post a side by side photo. Step 2: Become famous.

Step 3: Lose relevance in 2 weeks time.

You forgot magic. Everything is better with magic.

Make it a point to smile as much as possible! :)

Mynameislinh 24

Hey, don't worry too much about it. I mean that may be how you normally look. Although, if you can, try to smile a bit more every now and then?

That just means you're adorable! Embrace it.