By OopsMonkey - 13/09/2011 13:43 - Netherlands

Today, for the 5th day in a row, I had to keep my 7-year-old home from school and search his poop because he "forgot" he's not supposed to swallow things like, in this case, a screw that fell off his scooter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 034
You deserved it 4 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your kid swallows while your wife doesn't?

MaskingTape 2

What else was he supposed to do with a delicious screw if not eat it?


lksdliz 9

Gotta love kids! My oldest used to SMELL everything. It got wierd when we were out in public. No worries though, soon he'll out grow forgetting he's not supposed to swallow things and grow into forgetting to call you when he's out at night.

:S as each day passes I feel more and more dread about becoming a mother. I need a comprehensive list of the different stages of idiocy.

If he can eat screws he can go to school. You are getting played.

Maybe your kid is such a dumbshit because you're keeping him out of school so much.

I laughed. Well, maybe not laughed, but I definitely had to suppress a snort.

Ironripster 0

use one of those extention magnets and extract it

jadejazmyn 5

whoop his wittle butt . I promise he won't swallow nothing. then ask if he's being bullied or hates school

Wow! Uh...since op's kid isn't at school you should take his seat in class. Most likely the kid is just being lazy.

ManicGypsy 22

I think that he's doing it just to get out of school. You should make him go to school anyway.