By OopsMonkey - 13/09/2011 13:43 - Netherlands

Today, for the 5th day in a row, I had to keep my 7-year-old home from school and search his poop because he "forgot" he's not supposed to swallow things like, in this case, a screw that fell off his scooter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 034
You deserved it 4 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your kid swallows while your wife doesn't?

MaskingTape 2

What else was he supposed to do with a delicious screw if not eat it?


He didn't swallow the screw he just wants to stay home! Duh!

Ew, why would you search his poo? A screw is easily & cheaply replaced. I assume you weren't looking because you were worried about your kid, as you could have taken him to the doctors/hospital to be x-rayed or checked out... sifting through poo isn't going to save him if the screw punctured something or got stuck inside him.

dtemple1110 6

Um, hey stupid. You don't have to bring your kid to the doctor for that. They would just tell you to wait for it to pass anyways.

Ok.. So I wonder.. maybe hes trying to get attention.. what if hes the middle child of say 6 kids.. he might just want to have time with his parents.. my grandpa use to say kids want attention no matter how they get it.. being good and/or in this case bad... i have to say i know what hes talking about now that im a parent.. the kid i bet just wanted it to be about him.. if hes in a big family .

TKello 6

Huh, my first thought was that the kid is doing stupid things like this to avoid school since he may be getting picked on. Didn't know there was an actual mental condition. :O I learned something on FML!

That's not easy to remember sometimes, they taste so good

He might have Pica, a mental disorder where people eat things that aren't food. OP needs to get him to the doctor and find out before he eats something really dangerous. Of course, I swallowed a Barbie shoe when I was a kid, and I learned my lesson and turned out fine. lol

y does his scooter have loose screws ..with loose screws on a scooter he could of got hurt but in ur sitation he swallowed it

bubo_fml 10