By OopsMonkey - 13/09/2011 13:43 - Netherlands

Today, for the 5th day in a row, I had to keep my 7-year-old home from school and search his poop because he "forgot" he's not supposed to swallow things like, in this case, a screw that fell off his scooter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 034
You deserved it 4 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your kid swallows while your wife doesn't?

MaskingTape 2

What else was he supposed to do with a delicious screw if not eat it?


What, are you afraid the screw that probably shredded your kid's bowels will scratch the toilet's porcelain?

That kid must have a screw loose or something...

ErraticBehavior 0

Forget the screw. Let his dumbass ride a busted scooter. He'll learn not to swallow things when he cracks his face open. Then while at the ER, have the doc fish out the screw.

Angelrose2004 17

How do you know he actually swallowed it? You could be getting screwed yourself... Just sayin.

Agree with you, Joceannora. Send your kid to school! If there is internal damage, you will hear about it. Staying at home and sifting through poop isn't going to change that.

OMG, genius. He never has to go to school :D

painkiller3666 4

You should actually be potentially worried. I saw a show on TV about a boy who was iron deficient and swallowed metal things. No one knew he was deficient, they thought he was mentally challenged or something. He didn't know why he had this urge to swallow these things. It was his body pushing for iron.

Chances are he's realised that when he eats weird things, mum/dad keeps him home from school. Just send him to school. It'll go through his system.