By nic - 01/04/2009 20:06 - United States

Today, for April fools I decided to set off the smoke detectors in my friend's apartment while he was sleeping and saran wrap the outside of his bedroom doorway so he would smack into it. Instead, he jumped out the window and broke his leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 740
You deserved it 120 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idk whether to say your friends a moron, or you are.

DaftPyramid 0

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


#124 = buzzkill. Also, is any door a fire exit? Partially OP's fault, mostly his friend's fault because his first reaction to things is jumping out of a window.

imdumburdumber 0

next time, saran wrap the window too, or leave a trampoline outside his window

lmao this is very epic if only he would've ran into the saran wrap and video recorded it it wouldve been on my fav's for youtube

you're a real great friend for messing with something like that, dude. who needs enemies w/ friends like you?

cartering 0

we don't know the friend - for all we know his friend had someone in his life who died because they were trapped when they tried to escape through the door to their house.

You're both idiots. Fire isn't something to joke about, but who the hell jumps out the window? What if it'd been a drill anyway?

thatsucksballs 0

That's ****** bullshit.. and yeah, he should be writing this..

blinkingstarlet 15

#50... anyone who doesn't wanna die in a fire takes them seriously... and #22... stupider? this is ridiculous. you're a bad friend. YDI because you're such a terrible friend. there could have been a real fire or he could've broken his neck. anyway, i smell bs on this one...