By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 16:41 - Canada

Today, for about the fifth time, my neighbors parked blocking my driveway. After parking across the street I stuck a note on their windshield reading “Nice park job asshole“, only to find out that their nephew just passed away and everyone was gathering to go to the viewing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 635
You deserved it 53 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

That really sucks. However, they really still shouldn't have blocked your drive way. They should've been the one to park in the street or something. Alas, a politer note would probably have conveyed that better.

may_cause_fail 0

That is an immature way to respond. However, that is annoying and illegal on their part. A nicer note might have been a better solution, but I understand how frustrating that can be.


this isn't a YDI no matter what anyone says cause,#1 he didn't know the kid passed away. #2 cause the guy shouldn't of parked blocking his drive way no matter the circumstances he couldve went a bit farther down the road without dying.

yah **** them if they parked like asshole leave that note they still deserve it even if there was a death in the family. Last time I checked sadness does not impair you from parking, your fine I would have done the same thing.

Yeah, but OP said that this was the fifth time that the neighbors parked blocking his/her driveway. They wanted to see it five times? This is no way an FML.

adelaide_evening 0

That really sucks. However, they really still shouldn't have blocked your drive way. They should've been the one to park in the street or something. Alas, a politer note would probably have conveyed that better.

truslide 0

oh well. they blocked your property. death isn't an excuse

may_cause_fail 0

That is an immature way to respond. However, that is annoying and illegal on their part. A nicer note might have been a better solution, but I understand how frustrating that can be.

Zerenade 0

Eek, that's definitely awkward. Even so, they should at least tell you or warn you before blocking in your driveway. Still very inconsiderate.

You didnt know, i mightve not resorted to being a dick but would have pissed me off nontheless, i would have spoken up but at least you did

I find it kind of odd that you noticed it was the fifth time. You left your house and came back five times?

He means it happened four other times. This is the fifth time. Read

no excuses for crappy parking. im sure there's easily free parking farther down the street if they werent such lazy assholes

Given their luck, they should probably be the ones writing the FML..

michellefleeger 0

You should've keyed their car or slash their tires. If it's the fifth time it happened, they would deserve it, even if their nephew just died.

GMS1 7

agreed. who cares that he died. no excuse for crappy parking.!