By AmPatt - 26/12/2016 16:06 - United States - Grand Junction

Today, despite driving extremely slowly and cautiously, we slid off the road due to ice and snow. The car hit a rock and the airbags deployed. We were in my 3-month-old car because the engine in my husband's truck blew last week. Merry Christmas to us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 744
You deserved it 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least a 3 month old wasn't in the car like I originally thought this FML was going

finalyearsofhate 22

That's what insurance is for. You guys are ok, which is what really matters. Cars can be replaced. People can't.


Damn, I'm sorry. Hopefully you were able to get home safe, OP :)

finalyearsofhate 22

That's what insurance is for. You guys are ok, which is what really matters. Cars can be replaced. People can't.

Time for a new car. Luckily there is a smart car vending machince in Japan! Put in $25,000 and see what happens.

So the next time they get in an accident they can die instead? Those smart cars are ridiculous

species4872 19

You tube wishes you a merry christmas.

At least a 3 month old wasn't in the car like I originally thought this FML was going

Yeah, that tends to happen on ice. try focusing on the fact that you and your spouse are okay.

thehaystackerine 20

glad you're ok. don't know if you had them or not, but regardless of what tire experts tell you, snow tires are not obsolete, and are better that the best all season tire. Not saying you cant slide off the road with them, but it's a lot less likely.

The only safe option in the winter is snow tires. Do really "experts" say otherwise?

Who says snow tires are obsolete? Studded tires are a necessity here 4 to 5 months of the year. Driving on summers or "all seasons" is equivalent to maybe racing slicks.

If it isn't safe to drive you shouldn't be driving. You knew that it wasn't safe to drive yet you chose to do it, that's on you.

Yeah, because it's really an option for people to just stay home. You may have no life but that doesn't mean everyone doesn't have one

they most likely weren't using snow tires or chains. which would make it their fault entirely. Social lives they have, sense they do not.

it's not legal to use chains everywhere. sometimes you have to risk it.

If you live in Colorado, why buy a car that's not functional in snow and ice?

dope_mcfly 24

YDI for driving in conditions beyond your ability.