Alexa, play 4'33" by John Cage

By Anonymous - 07/09/2020 17:00

Today, I was the first to sign up to play the national anthem for my school, at one of my volleyball games. My teacher told me she would bring my sheet music. She didn’t. So I just sat there, awkwardly, not playing my cello. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 199
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I drove 9 hours to get to a competition for which you were automatically disqualified for not having original copies of your sheet music (as is the case for most classical music competitions and festivals) only to find out that my teacher completely forgot that she told me she was bringing my music. Massive waste of time, but at least I didn’t have the audience you had!

You could play the piece, but didn't know it by heart? Or you're just a really skilled sight reader and never played the piece before? Either way that seems weird to me.


The National Anthem on the cello? The people taking a knee might just lay down and go to sleep. She didn't forget your sheet music, she burned it!

bloopaloop 27

Hey, at least they're not violas. Am I right? There are famous violinists and famous cellists, but what about viola players (violists? Is that a word?) You're never going to hear Bruce Dickinson say, "I have a fever and there's only one cure: More viola."

You could play the piece, but didn't know it by heart? Or you're just a really skilled sight reader and never played the piece before? Either way that seems weird to me.

One time I drove 9 hours to get to a competition for which you were automatically disqualified for not having original copies of your sheet music (as is the case for most classical music competitions and festivals) only to find out that my teacher completely forgot that she told me she was bringing my music. Massive waste of time, but at least I didn’t have the audience you had!